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Tag: simihaian

Where Are They Now: Flaviu Simihaian, Ignite Charlotte 2

Flaviu Simihaian talked at Ignite Charlotte 2 about “Productivity Today” where he highlighted certain activities we engage in each day and how we could make ourselves more productive. For example, never using a to-do list, or keeping nothing in your inbox, and scheduling free time on your calendar, along with your usual appointments.

How has Flaviu been productive since his talk? He has been focusing his time on his startup,, which is an online platform where, as he puts it, “makes online surveys suck less.”

He thought Ignite Charlotte helped him become a better speaker, and he met some awesome people there. He also said that he still works with a couple of folks he met there from time to time.

Take a look at when you get a chance, and be sure to let Flaviu know if he’s making online surveys not only suck less, but more productive.

Thanks for enlightening us on productivity Flaviu!